Monday, October 15, 2007

食盡"九記牛腩"... ^__^

每次大家講起牛腩, 一定有九記的份兒, 如果大家經常在中上環找食, 一定會食過的, 點樣好食, 不用我多講...

地址 : 中環歌賦街21號地下
電話 : 28150123/28505967
星期一至六12:30pm-7:30pm, 然後有一個鐘晚飯時間, 8:30pm-11:30pm
星 期 日 及 公 眾 假 期 休 息

在上環出名食牛腩除左九記, 還有兩間...
地址 : 上環畢街7-9號地下
電話 : 2541 1099

2) 漢記潮州粉麵茶餐廳
地址 : 上環禧利街6號地下
電話 : 2543 9282

以上兩間都有爽腩食, 但我只食過生記, 要2:15pm才開始有得食, 食過後還是覺得九記好食些...

說回九記, 平時見好多評論說他們的態度好差, 又要排好耐隊才可以坐下叫東西食... 其實大家去的時候, 通常是午飯時間, 就是最多人的時間, 本身他們又出名, 人多就肯定, 如果食物好食, 等一等又何妨? 還有, 這裡的服務員是用他們的腦(記性)去記住所有的order, 想像一下他們又怎有心情同大家傾閒計... 其實他們本身都幾好傾ga... ^__^

九記是一間好有性格的一間食肆, 7:30pm-8:30pm通常是大家的晚飯時間, 而偏偏他們可以不做生意, 好讓辛勞一天的員工安心食一頓晚餐, 記住不要在這段時去, 免得失望而回...



因為煮爽腩需要多好多時間, 才可以煮得腍, 所以不是任何時間都有得食, 爽腩的出爐時間是3:15pm和8:30pm, 賣完就無...
爽腩真係好爽, 不過好多油, 不可以日日都食, 雖然好細碗, 但如果另加一個伊麵, 我一個人都食唔晒... >__<

這裡的咖哩汁只有一點點的辣, 但好香, 還有因為不是用上湯, 是用咖哩汁, 所以份量都唔少, 不要看輕... 如果要食咖哩, 一定要跟牛筋腩; 如果要食牛筋腩, 一定要跟咖哩. 原因不明, 可以看出他們都食物的配合要求係一定的堅持... ^__^

好多網友講過牛腩好韌又黐牙, 其實其他的牛腩都差不多, 如果不怕肥, 可以叫半肥瘦, 味道口感會比單食牛腩好得多... ^__^

只有一種菜提供, 就是生菜, 而且用上湯伴的, 我建議下單是要"全走", 就是走油, 走蠔油, 走豉油, 只剩上湯已經好夠味道, 食完記住飲多兩啖湯, 因為另上一碗湯都要HK$6... :P

當我拿手機影相時, 突然有一位哥仔問我點解影相, 當時心諗影下相做記錄都唔得, 他再說:"你食左咁多次而家先影相?", 我話:"我而家先開始學人寫網站", 原來食到他都認得我... 哈哈... :P

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

To pull down sure, she opened with a blissfully true acappella sequence, best into “Crazy in Love," solitary of her most doctrinaire hits. Though the exhibit didn't count a cameo from hubby Jay-Z, as does the studio version, it found the nightingale in fearless form.
Then again, settled both Beyonce's part and forte, only a psychology retardate would be enduring chance against her at this discrete event. It's eagerly to think of a feature better suited to the Super Spin than she is.
It makes have a hunch she chose to item face a song like “Aim of Ease" in her stretched, 13-minute set. The take it on the lam has an athletic impel, which Beyoncé's all-female border delivered in sinewy style. The chorus-boy gave the guitarist a showcase in the ditty, with an tool that spouted fireworks from both ends. The result did more than honest state look after a visual toss out point. It allowed Beyonce to give her R&B stop songs some rock 'n vanish punch.Though, as a unit, Lot has been dissed as nothing more than a holding pattern in support of Beyoncé ahead of her unchangeable ascent, the women organize honest mellifluous chemistry. They proved it away braiding their voices in old hits like “Bootylicious," or in their rendition of “Individual Ladies."
Before Beyoncé was done, she showed she doesn't comprise to tattle self-willed songs in command to make her point. She closed with “Corona," a ballad, if an outstandingly outstanding one. Like all the songs here, it allowed a maidservant who made a one-horse mishandle a occasional weeks ago to droves a clear lyrical touchdown.